Fight Jock Domination!:
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An Anti-Jock Website Committed to Fighting Oppressive Jockism RESIST JOCK DOMINATION!!! ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTS ORIGINS OF ANTI-JOCK MOVEMENT MEL Magazine: Born Out of Columbine: Where Is The Anti- Jock Movement Now? One error: the person named "Ray" is not the actual editor or creator of this site. But good, interesting article nonetheless. SOME ANTI-JOCK SHOTS ACCROSS THE BOW!! Click Here for an article that puts Sports into a better, truer perspective "Why Sports Are A Sad and Dangerous Waste of Time". by Jim Cummings OUTRAGEOUS FAVORITISM FOR COLLEGE JOCKS: Athletic Privilege Beats Justice! OUTRAGEOUS!!
Click Here for Article: Low Sentences for College Jock Rapists Are Common!!
Check this out: SNL hits it right on the head regarding college favoritism toward jocks!!
Jock-A-Rama ("Beef Patrol") by Dead Kennedys "I Don't Like Sports" by Scott & The Sweet Spot. DON'T PAY COLLEGE ATHLETES !!! OPPOSE THIS OUTRAGEOUS SUGGESTION!! READ BELOW: WSJ Article: Lets Not Pay College Athletes New Republic Article: Cracking the Cartel: Don't Pay NCAA Football and Basketball Players New Yorker Article: Why NCAA Athletes Shouldn't Be Paid Time Magazine Article Against Paying College Athletes FIGHT JOCK BRUTALITY AND ABUSE!! BECOME INFORMED: Texas Monthly Article About the Jock Brutality That Led to the Death of Brian Deneke Archived Article from the Houston Press about Death of Brian Deneke: "Punks, Jocks and Justice STOP BULLY-FRIENDLY "HUMAN TARGET" GAMES AT OUR SCHOOLS!!! SEE BELOW:
Check out Art Jones' 1996 short film "Dodge Ball," which is critical of excessively agressive and bullying "human target" games like Dodgeball. Available through Great Jones Productions. See also the articles below: FoxNews Article: Showdown in Dodge City Archived Sportsjones Article: Brutality In Our Schools New Gym Class: No More Choosing Up Sides
HERE'S AN INTERESTING VIEW: I'll just post it and let you decide!